Graphic design

grafické návrhy plakátů a tiskovin

Visual style tells more than a thousand words

A consistent visual style is an important element of any successful company. It is a comprehensive set of rules of visual appearance, which the company presents itself to the public. Therefore, it is important that advertising media, window and interior design respect the company’s corporate identity.

We can not only create an interesting advertising element, but also design and produce the graphic coat of these items with the utmost respect for your visual style. However, if your company does not have a corporate identity manual, we can advise and help you create one.

How we can help

First, we meet with the client for a no-obligation meeting where we try to understand the vision of the company, ask about successes and problems, goals and ambitions. At the next meeting, we deliver a presentation with ideas and proposed solutions. We then elaborate on the ideas the client likes best and add a preliminary budget.

We fine-tune the graphics to the client’s satisfaction so that they clearly convey the company’s vision. We prepare everything for printing, send it to production, proofread it and deliver it to the client’s desk.

Contact us