About Us

Artyšok is a small creative studio — a partnership of two friends who still play with the same boundless imagination they had in childhood. Now, their playground has expanded to the world of design. Open-minded and untethered by conventions or fleeting trends, they breathe new life into old objects, tell captivating stories, and bring fantasies to life in tangible forms. But this isn’t just about fun. It’s about making brands or products stand out to a wider audience, bringing unique projects to life, or elevating social events with originality and flair. Backed by years of experience in design and merchandising, we have a few secret weapons — and we’re not afraid to share some of them with you.

It all started in Ostrava, where our roots lie. Our hometown was transforming from an industrial hub into a vibrant cultural and entertainment center — a metamorphosis that continues to inspire us. Now based in the capital, we bring to life ideas that once lived only in our sketchbooks and imaginations. We specialize in transforming the ordinary, the stereotypical, and the mundane into something vibrant and imaginative. By merging the seemingly incompatible into harmonious, functional, and original creations, we reflect the way our personal and professional paths have intertwined to form the Artyšok team.

What we can do

One who isn’t afraid to take an interior apart and put it back together again on the spot – from the smallest counter leg to imaginative decorations, efficient product placement and monumental display structures. She is also adept at styling just about anything to perfection, and with her keen eye for photography, she ensures that the resulting material supports the promotion of the venue in print or online. You can see for yourself on our Instagram.

The other, on the other hand, plugs her creative eye into a variety of graphics programs, modelling different design variations or documents for client presentations, and using her product and industrial designer’s mind to give the project a technical framework. Sensitive to the client’s needs, she then skilfully reworks anything that, after discussion with the client, does not yet fit into the plans. An essential link in any installation.

Although each of us comes from a slightly different background, we are united by a team spirit that drives each of our ideas forward in synergy. Nothing surprises us in our installations, because we see surprises as a challenge and a breeding ground for our creative work. To get a better idea of the personal creative bar we set ourselves outside of our assignments, you can check out this year’s Creative Challenge. By the way, did you recognise which of us is which?

Jana Pomykačová

Coming from a small industrial town near Ostrava, I dedicated my studies to exhibition and promotion, laying the foundation for my people-oriented practice, which has been my professional direction ever since. I have learnt to see things from the other side, through the eyes of the client, to identify their needs and to help meet them systematically.

I get excited about space, I enjoy experimenting in it and I like to have a free hand in the realisations. On the other hand, I know the laws that apply when selling goods or services. Every product has its place in the market, it is enough to define a striking business concept, aimed at the right target group, taking into account its individuality. This is my key to success, and my years of experience in merchandising in small shops, retail design and training abroad in large chains help me to achieve it. No decoration or detail escapes my attention as any project is only as strong as its weakest link. In my spare time, I dabble in photography, styling and design, and use these skills in my work as a visual merchandiser and decorator. And my strong point? I’m usually relentless in my work, so I can still find the energy to keep going when others would give up.

Ing. Barbora Matlovičová

Unlike Jana, I was born a little earlier, but originally from Ostrava. Maybe that is why I have always been attracted to technology, industrial and product design, even though I ended up studying it at the more distant Brno University of Technology. It’s just the way I am. I love to travel for education and knowledge, during my studies I spent a year in Salzburg at the University of Applied Sciences and then spent the same time travelling around South America with friends. Visiting studios, festivals, exhibitions or workshops dedicated to design is not only a great hobby for me, but above all a reservoir of inspiration.

At Artyšok I am the technical head of the team, giving direction to ideas and process to implementation. An important companion for me is the computer and the software in which I create on a daily basis. As a professional product and graphic designer with many years of experience, I am up to date with the current digital trends, whether it’s designing and editing text or printed materials, web content, advertising materials, images or spatial objects. After all, such projects have been routine for me since my student days, but it requires continuous education and self-development, both in the field of activity and in business in general. Fortunately, this need of mine is also a personal desire that I try to fulfil intensively every moment.

What we can offer you

Do you have a small Belgian chocolate shop or do you need to fill a window in a department store? Or do you already have your sales concept in place and just need to liven up your shop with some new furniture or novel decorations and advice on how to position your products so that they sell well and your customers come back to you with enthusiasm? Whether you are a luxury fashion brand or a property insurance company, we can help. From sketchbook or professional 3D designs, to promotional materials, staff training or consultancy, to the production of mock-ups or actual on-site installations and their subsequent maintenance or transformation within a defined sales cycle. Whatever you need.

We are not bound by the procedures or internal processes of the big design studios, we have the freedom to create individual solutions, so that the result is a true handcrafted original, with an attractive idea that can set you apart from the competition and give you an edge in the market. Or you can even work with us on the final design in the production process. Do you already have an idea that you would like to turn into a space, or do you just need some advice? Contact us for an appointment or consultation, we’ll be happy to help. If you’re not sure what we can do for you, take a look at our portfolio for inspiration, or check out our services overview – you’re sure to find something of interest.