Store design

návrh výstavních stojanů do výkladní skříně sportovní prodejny

interior awakening emotions

Original shop furniture, which serves to present the goods offered both indoors and in the window, is a key element in any shop. You can have plain glass display cases or shelf walls that can be seen almost everywhere. Or you can set yourself apart from the competition with an unusual piece of furniture or an interesting installation. The important thing is to evoke emotions in your customers, entertain them and engage them enough to keep them coming back to you.

The design of the furniture on the sales floor always reflects the goods on offer. The interior design for a future toy shop will be completely different from that of a sportswear shop. We always try to design an interior for the client that is both eye-catching and functional. The placement of the sales furniture and the overall interior should be well thought out and the arrangement of the product range on the sales floor should catch the eye and get the customer to buy.

how we can help

Overcrowding of shop windows and sales areas is still a big bad habit for some retailers. If a shop offers different types of products, it is a good idea to rotate them in the window and not mix them together unnecessarily. The different types of goods should be placed on the sales floor so that customers can easily find them.

Therefore, we first meet the customer in his shop to discuss visual merchandising, the arrangement of goods on the sales floor and the placement of sales furniture. We are interested in what assortment will be presented to the customer and how often the merchandise needs to be changed in the store.

We will bring concrete proposals for solutions to the next meeting. It could be a better arrangement of sales furniture complemented by an interesting sales display, variable advertising furniture in the windows that can be changed and well decorated according to the season, or more suitable lighting of the sales area.

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